Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement from USA Swimming

We are committed to growing and celebrating diversity, increasing fairness throughout our organization, and intentionally creating environments where differences are embraced and everyone feels welcome, respected, supported, and valued to fully participate.  USA Swimming is committed to a culture of inclusion and opportunity.  We strive to create equity by providing resources specific to the needs of our members. In the context of swimming, diversity is the invitation to our sport, inclusion is making sure our sport is welcoming, and equity is ensuring all members have what they need to be successful.  Diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical to achieving the mission of USA Swimming and is an important and necessary step to achieving our four end goals, the “Ends:"

  • Achievement of sustained competitive success at the Olympic Games
  • Members have resources to sustain successful athletes, coaches, and clubs
  • Support public engagement for growth in swimming participation and interest
  • USA Swimming recognized as Best in Class

As the National Governing Body of the sport of swimming, we are steadfast in our commitment to identify and lead in reducing barriers, to create and creating opportunities for inclusion, and to increase fairness throughout our sport. We strive to have the demographics of our country be reflected in our membership.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement from Midwestern Swimming

Midwestern Swimming is committed to a culture of diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity. We welcome and ensure swimmers can participate to their fullest ability regardless of race, age, income, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation and mental or physical disability.  Together with USA Swimming, Midwestern Swimming is committed to increasing multicultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity at all levels of the sport to achieve and foster an inclusive swimming environment. In following with this commitment, Midwestern Swimming is actively organizing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. Working closely with Midwestern Swimming’s Board of Directors, the Committee's goal will be to embed diversity, equity, and inclusion into every aspect of the LSC’s messaging and programming.  Midwestern Swimming’s DEI Committee will work towards this goal by embracing all the ways in which we as individuals are and can be different; leveraging the ways we are different to create a respectful and welcoming environment for everyone; and acknowledging that the ways we are different will require varying and unique solutions and resources to fit the needs of each member of Midwestern Swimming. 

DEI Informational Resources for Midwestern Swimming Community

Midwestern Swimming Registration Page

USA Swimming Cultural Inclusion Resource Guides 

Diversity Style Guide

Disability Language Style Guide

General Principles for Reducing Bias

Spanish Language Phrases for Coaches

Best Practices for Safe Sport with Athletes with Disabilities

USA Swimming LGBTQ Resource Guide

Recommended Practices for Gender Diverse Minor Athletes

Steps to Request Change of Competition Category

Black Kids Swim

Mental Health Resource for Parents and Caregivers

 Stop AAPI Hate

Financial Resources Available Now 
Reduced Membership Fee - USA Swimming/Midwestern Swimming currently offers Outreach Memberships for $5.00. 

Outreach Athlete membership is available to qualified athletes in accordance with USA Swimming guidelines. The purpose is to make year-round membership available to athletes who might otherwise not be able to afford the standard athlete membership fee. If the athlete participates in a reduced or free school lunch program or receives Medicaid benefits, and can provide documentation to their club registrar, the USA Swimming athlete membership becomes $5.00. Documentation is as simple as a one-page form on the school’s letterhead indicating that the athlete member is on a free or reduced lunch program. A separate link is available for Outreach athletes from their club registrar.

Reduced Meet Fees - Midwestern Swimming supports a reduced meet fee policy which states that meet event entry fees for qualified Outreach athletes are 25% of the published meet entry fees for all USA Swimming sanctioned competitions. Application must be made through athlete's club.
Educational/Leadership Opportunities - Every two years (even years), Midwestern Swimming financially supports the attendance of two LSC athletes and a coach at the Central Zone Diversity Select Camp.
Competitive Opportunities - Every two years (odd years), Midwestern Swimming financially supports the attendance of a qualified team of LSC athletes and a coach at the Central Zone Diversity Select Meet.
  • For more information and how to get involved, please contact Midwestern Swimming Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chairperson, Carol Olson, via the Contact Us link.
  • Thank you!