Safe Sport for Officials

USA Swimming and Midwestern Swimming are committed to providing a healthy and positive environment free from abuse for all its members.  USA Swimming’s Safe Sport program, a comprehensive abuse prevention program, consists of a multi-layered approach to keep kids safe, including: required policies and best practice guidelines; mandatory screening, including criminal background checks and employment screening; training and education; monitoring, supervision and mandatory reporting.  These measures are informed by experts in the field of child safety and are among the strongest safeguards found in youth-serving organizations.


Safe Sport at Meets

Meet 360: Meet 360 is designed for meet hosts, meet directors, meet referees and meet organizers. This guide is intended to assist in creating a safe environment for all who attend, and will aid in implementing preventative Safe Sport measures before, during and after a meet, addressing Safe Sport concerns, and complying with the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy.

Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP): The Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) addresses one-on-one interactions, social media and electronic communications, travel: local and team, locker rooms and changing areas and massages, rubdowns and athletic training modalities. Every USA Swimming club, Zone and LSC is required to implement the MAAPP in full.

Safe Sport for Officials Meet Briefing Sheet: Tips and reminders regarding Safe Sport manners for officials at swim meets

2023 USA Swimming Rulebook & Code of Conduct


Potential Issues & Reccomended Responses: 

If you receive a report that someone in the stands is acting suspiciously:

Go directly to the individual and politely ask them who their swimmer is and their team affiliation to determine the purpose of their attendance. If they are taking pictures, ask to see their pictures. Explain that your concern is athlete safety. You have now put the person on notice that they are being watched. If the answers you receive are not satisfactory, take the appropriate action, up to and including contacting authorities.


If you receive a report that there is a suspicious person in the locker room:

Notify facility staff/security if you are in a shared use facility. If the facility does not have its own response procedure, you and another adult and/or facility security should go immediately to the locker room and confront this individual. Make sure all athletes in the locker room are safe and then determine why the individual is in the locker room. If the individual attempts to leave, follow him/her until you have determined there is no further threat and that no further action is necessary. Remember, you are not law enforcement – be sure to report suspicious behavior to facility staff and law enforcement if appropriate.


A report of a peer-to-peer incident on deck or in the locker room:

Talk with all athletes involved to determine what has happened in an observable and interruptible location. It is important to involve parents/guardians and the coach in any discussions with athletes. Remind all involved of USA Swimming rules prohibiting bullying, emotional, physical and sexual misconduct.


How to document the issue:

Keep a written record (e.g., notes, emails, documented responses) of the report including “who, what, when, and where” for all reported concerns. Include details about the incident but also who reported to you and your follow up steps – including any mandatory reports you made.



Aidan Cho, MWS Safe Sport Chair

Leslie Mayo, MWS Registration Chair (Non-Athlete Registration)

Dan Bralita, MWS Officials Chair